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The Carlson Law Firm has secured a $3 million settlement for our client involved in a significant West Texas roadway accident. The settlement was finalized following a collision that occurred in the spring of 2023.

Our client was driving on a West Texas roadway when an employee, driving a company truck on company business, pulled up to a stop sign. A video showed that the employee, trying to beat traffic, whipped out of the intersection and directly in front of our client’s vehicle, resulting in a serious accident.

“This case highlights the importance of safety for both drivers and their employers,” said attorney Russell Shrauner. “Our client was seriously injured due to the negligence of a driver with a long history of reckless driving, and the negligence of the employer who let such a reckless driver get behind the wheel of a company vehicle. The driver and his employer failed to uphold their duties, and we delivered on our commitment to hold them accountable for their failure.”

The allegations against the employee included failing to exercise ordinary care by not yielding the right of way, disregarding a traffic control device, and failing to maintain a proper lookout. These actions, among other negligent behaviors, were found to have significantly contributed to the accident.

“This settlement not only provides significant compensation for our client but also sends a strong message about the need for corporations to uphold rigorous standards in hiring and training their employees,” said Louie Cook, Of Counsel at The Carlson Law Firm.

Attorneys sought to hold the corporation accountable for the employee’s actions, as he was operating within the scope of his employment. Through negotiations, they argued the corporation was negligent in its hiring, supervision, training, and entrusting a vehicle to the employee.

“This settlement is a testament to the severe impact this incident had on our client’s life,” said Partner Michael Erskine. “It underscores the importance of holding both individuals and corporations accountable for their actions and the damages they cause. At The Carlson Law Firm, our mission is centered on delivering compassionate legal representation through the relentless advocacy of our clients, and we are pleased with this outcome. We can’t undo the pain he will live with, but we hope this victory provides our client with some measure of justice and relief.”

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