One of the Boy Scouts of America’s largest insurers has agreed to contribute $800 million into a fund for victims of Boys Scout’s child sexual abuse bringing the total in a proposed trust to more than $2.6 billion—the largest sexual abuse settlement in U.S. history.
Under the agreement, Century Indemnity Co. and its affiliates will each contribute $800 million into the fund in return for being released from further liability for abuse claims. More than 82,000 sexual abuse claimants face a Dec. 28 deadline to vote on a previously announce Boy Scouts reorganization plan.
The Century agreement is still subject to court approval.
Who is contributing to the Boy Scouts of America Settlement Fund?
As part of the plan, the Boy Scouts and its roughly 250 local councils will have to contribute up to $820 million in cash and property into a fund for sexual abuse victims.
In addition, the plan also calls for other insurers and sponsors to contribute to the fund. For example, BSA’s former largest troop sponsor the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—commonly known as the church has agreed to contribute $250 million. The Hartford, another major insurer of the organization agreed to pay $787 million into the victim’s fund.
Boys Scouts of America Bankruptcy
The Boy Scouts of America filed bankruptcy in February 2020, which opened a claims process for people abused while in the Scouts to file claims. These claims were not limited to abuse from troop leaders. Claims against the Boy Scouts if ranged from sexual abuse from any of the following:
- Assistant troop leaders
- Camp employees
- Volunteers
- Other scouts
To be eligible for your claim, victims had until November 16, 2020 to file a claim. If the plaintiffs agree and the judge approves the settlement, the average BSA sexual assault victim will receive about $31,000.
The Carlson Law Firm is Representing Hundreds of BSA Victims
The Carlson Law Firm is committed to protecting the rights of victims of institutional sexual abuse.
Sexual assault and abuse can take its toll on a person’s well-being. However, you are not alone. The Carlson Law Firm is ready to guide you through the legal step it takes to being rebuilding your life after child sexual abuse. Our compassionate, hard-hitting legal team will advocate for you to get you started in your recovery. Our firm has the knowledge and a team of attorneys with the knowledge, skill, and passion to ensure you get justice.
Contact us today. We care. We can help.